图 5 显示了纯 Zn 浸泡 28 d 后的 TEM 横截面图像和相应的 EDS 图。 在图 5a 中,很明显腐蚀产物层不均匀地覆盖了样品表面。 厚度范围从第 I 部分的约 550 nm 到第 II 部分的 150 nm。 图 5b-d 的 EDS 映射显示腐蚀产物主要由 C 和 O 组成,它们源自 BSA 分子。
Fig. 5 shows the cross section image acquired by TEM and corresponding EDS maps of pure Zn after immersion for 28 d. In Fig. 5a, it is evident that the corrosion product layer covers the sample surface unevenly. And the thickness ranges from about 550 nm for Section I to 150 nm for Section II. The EDS mappings of Fig. 5b–d display that the corrosion products are mainly comprised of C and O, which are originated from BSA molecules.