National Materials Corrosion and Protection Data Center
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出版物 材料基因工程技术在高分子聚合物中的应用 Application of Materials Genome Engineering in Polymer 生物基海洋防腐新型涂层材料 2023-10-12
出版物 腰果酚基环氧树脂制备及其低氯工艺 Preparation of an Electronic-Grade Cardol-Based Epoxy Reactive Diluent By Stepwise Dichlorination 生物基海洋防腐新型涂层材料 2023-10-12
出版物 酚醛树脂增强聚乙烯醇缩丁醛(PVB)涂层的摩擦学和防腐性能 Tribological and anticorrosion properties of polyvinyl butyral (PVB) coating reinforced with phenol formaldehyde resin (PF) 生物基海洋防腐新型涂层材料 2023-10-12
出版物 环氧基多元醇改性水性聚氨酯的合成与性能研究 Synthesis and Performance Research of Waterborne Polyurethane Modified with Epoxy Resin-based Polyol 生物基海洋防腐新型涂层材料 2023-10-12
出版物 高温无需进一步分离制备乙酰化木质素的绿色高效新工艺 Novel green and cost-effective preparation of acetylated lignin at high temperature without further separation 生物基海洋防腐新型涂层材料 2023-10-12
出版物 喷雾干燥法快速制备氧化石墨烯 Rapid Production of Thermally Exfoliated Graphene with a Large Specific Surface Area by Introducing a Spray Predrying Process 生物基海洋防腐新型涂层材料 2023-10-12
出版物 氧化石墨烯/乙酰化木质素复合材料协同提高聚乳酸的韧性和隔水性能 Synergistically enhanced toughness and water vapour barrier performance of polylactic acid by graphene oxide/acetylated lignin composite 生物基海洋防腐新型涂层材料 2023-10-12
出版物 生物基异氰脲酸酯固化剂的分离工艺研究 Study on Separation Process of Bio-based Isocyanurate Curing Agent 生物基海洋防腐新型涂层材料 2023-10-11
出版物 低色度生物基异氰脲酸酯固化剂的制备及性能 Preparation and properties of low chroma bio-based isocyanurate curing agent 生物基海洋防腐新型涂层材料 2023-10-11
出版物 离子排阻色谱法用于硫化物分离机制 Mass transfer process and separation mechanism of sulfuric acid and aluminum sulfate mixture based on IEC technology: Modeling 生物基海洋防腐新型涂层材料 2023-10-10