National Materials Corrosion and Protection Data Center
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出版物 氧化石墨烯浆料喷雾干燥法制备 Optimization of Spray-Drying Process with Response Surface Methodology (RSM) for Preparing High Quality Graphene Oxide Slurry 生物基海洋防腐新型涂层材料 2023-10-09
出版物 生物基五亚甲基二异氰酸酯-异氰脲酸酯三聚体的合成、单体去除、改性及涂层性能 Synthesis, Monomer Removal, Modification, and Coating Performances of Biobased Pentamethylene Diisocyanate Isocyanurate Trimers 生物基海洋防腐新型涂层材料 2023-10-09
出版物 酸性木质纤维素对阿魏酸和糠醛的选择性吸附 Selective adsorption of ferulic acid and furfural from acid lignocellulosic hydrolysate by novel magnetic lignin-based adsorbent 生物基海洋防腐新型涂层材料 2023-10-09
出版物 基于自清洁型海洋智能防污涂层的最新研究进展 Recent Advances in Intelligent Coatings for Marine Antifouling Based on Self-cleaning 生物基海洋防腐新型涂层材料 2023-10-09
出版物 有机溶剂处理对甲壳素结构及其酶解的影响 Effect of organic solvents treatment on structure of chitin and its enzymatic hydrolysis 生物基海洋防腐新型涂层材料 2023-10-09
出版物 黑液木质素基环氧复合膜的制备与表征 Preparation and characterization of black liquor lignin-based epoxy composite film 生物基海洋防腐新型涂层材料 2023-10-09
出版物 甲壳素生物聚合物介导吡哆醛自给自足的生物催化剂 5′-磷酸和L-赖氨酸脱羧酶 Chitin biopolymer mediates self-sufficient biocatalyst of pyridoxal 5′-phosphate and L-lysine decarboxylase 生物基海洋防腐新型涂层材料 2023-10-09
出版物 木质素基聚氨酯涂层 Modification of lignin by hexamethylene diisocyanate to synthesize lignin-based polyurethane as an organic polymer for marine polyurethane anticorrosive coatings 生物基海洋防腐新型涂层材料 2023-10-09
出版物 基于加速 BSP 树的三角网格精确布尔运算 Exact boolean operation on triangulated meshes using accelerated BSPs 通用三维CAD系统软件产品 2023-08-17
出版物 基于CAD工程数据文件的增量备份方法研究 Research on an Incremental backup method based on CAD engineering data File 通用三维CAD系统软件产品 2023-08-17