National Materials Corrosion and Protection Data Center
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出版物 磁流体加速性能影响规律的数值研究 Numerical investigation of influence on acceleration performance of MHD flow 2023-02-28
出版物 海洋条件下卧式铅铋堆热工水力及安全特性研究 Research on Thermal-hydraulic and Safety Characteristics of Horizontal Lead-based Reactor under Ocean Conditions 新型海洋核反应堆技术 2023-04-12
出版物 铅铋反应堆燃料组件三维流动换热特性研究 Numerical Study on the Thermal Hydraulic Characteristics in a Wire-Wrapped Assembly of LFRs 新型海洋核反应堆技术 2023-04-12
出版物 Research on Sensing value Reconstruction Method of Small Modular Reactor Based on Improved Short-Term and Long-Term Memory Neural Network Research on Sensing value Reconstruction Method of Small Modular Reactor Based on Improved Short-Term and Long-Term Memory Neural Network 新型海洋核反应堆技术 2023-04-12
出版物 Prediction and Uncertainty Analysis of Stress Corrosion Fraction Failure Probability for Pressurized Water Reactor Materials Prediction and Uncertainty Analysis of Stress Corrosion Fraction Failure Probability for Pressurized Water Reactor Materials 新型海洋核反应堆技术 2023-04-12
出版物 铅铋堆螺旋管式直流蒸汽发生器三维热工水力特性研究 Three-dimensional Thermal-hydraulic Characteristics Analysis of Helical Coiled Once-through Steam Generator for Lead-bismuth Reactor 新型海洋核反应堆技术 2023-04-12
出版物 车载铅铋核电源物理热工设计及安全特性研究 Research on Neutronic/Thermal-hydraulic Design Features and Safety Characteristics of a Mobile Lead-bismuth Fast Reactor 新型海洋核反应堆技术 2023-04-12
出版物 铅铋快堆棒束组件热工水力特性实验和数值研究 Experimental and Numerical Research on Thermal-Hydraulic Characteristics of Rod Bundle Assemblies in the Lead-Bismuth Fast Reactors 新型海洋核反应堆技术 2023-04-12
出版物 Propulsion Control of marine nuclear reactor by hardware-in-the-loop simulation Propulsion Control of marine nuclear reactor by hardware-in-the-loop simulation 新型海洋核反应堆技术 2023-04-11
出版物 Numerical Simulation of a Two-phase Flow Mixer for Liquid Metal Magnetohydrodynamic Generator Numerical Simulation of a Two-phase Flow Mixer for Liquid Metal Magnetohydrodynamic Generator 新型海洋核反应堆技术 2023-04-10