National Materials Corrosion and Protection Data Center
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出版物 基于亚临界有机朗肯循环的核动力系统高温有机工质初选 High temperature organic working fluid selection for small power nuclear power system based on subcritical organic Rankine cycle 新型海洋核反应堆技术 2023-03-09
出版物 Numerical simulation of bubble transport during steam generator tube rupture accident of Lead-cooled Fast Reactor Numerical simulation of bubble transport during steam generator tube rupture accident of Lead-cooled Fast Reactor 新型海洋核反应堆技术 2023-03-06
出版物 Improvement and validation of a sub-channel analysis code for a lead-cooled reactor with wire spacers Improvement and validation of a sub-channel analysis code for a lead-cooled reactor with wire spacers 新型海洋核反应堆技术 2023-03-06
出版物 Numerical Study on the Thermal Hydraulic Characteristics in a Wire-Wrapped Assembly of LFRs Numerical Study on the Thermal Hydraulic Characteristics in a Wire-Wrapped Assembly of LFRs 新型海洋核反应堆技术 2023-03-06
出版物 Development and validation of transient thermal-hydraulic evaluation code for a lead-based fast reactor Development and validation of transient thermal-hydraulic evaluation code for a lead-based fast reactor 新型海洋核反应堆技术 2023-03-06
出版物 Operation and safety analysis of space lithium-cooled fast nuclear reactor Operation and safety analysis of space lithium-cooled fast nuclear reactor 新型海洋核反应堆技术 2023-03-06
出版物 Experimental investigation on flow and heat transfer characteristics of lead–bismuth eutectic in circular tubes Experimental investigation on flow and heat transfer characteristics of lead–bismuth eutectic in circular tubes 新型海洋核反应堆技术 2023-03-06
出版物 Thermal-hydraulic analysis of a lead-bismuth small modular reactor under moving conditions Thermal-hydraulic analysis of a lead-bismuth small modular reactor under moving conditions 新型海洋核反应堆技术 2023-03-06
出版物 Flow blockage analysis for fuel assembly in a lead-based fast reactor Flow blockage analysis for fuel assembly in a lead-based fast reactor 新型海洋核反应堆技术 2023-03-06
出版物 Numerical study of oxygen transport characteristics in lead-bismuth eutectic for gas-phase oxygen control Numerical study of oxygen transport characteristics in lead-bismuth eutectic for gas-phase oxygen control 新型海洋核反应堆技术 2023-03-06