National Materials Corrosion and Protection Data Center
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出版物 Zr对Fe-13Cr-5Al-2Mo-0.5Nb-0.4Ta合金高温变形及laves相动态析出的影响 Effects of Zr on high temperature deformation and dynamic precipitation of laves phase in Fe–13Cr–5Al–2Mo–0.5Nb–0.4Ta alloy 先进核燃料元件设计研究及材料研制 2022-12-13
出版物 热变形FeCrAl合金Laves相动态析出及晶界特征:Zr的影响 Dynamic precipitation of Laves phase and grain boundary features in warm deformed FeCrAl alloy: effect of Zr 先进核燃料元件设计研究及材料研制 2022-12-13
出版物 退火对扩散粘结FeCrAl/Zy4复合板组织及剪切抗拉强度的影响 Effect of annealing on microstructure, shear and tensile strength of diffusion bonded FeCrAl/Zy4 clad plate 先进核燃料元件设计研究及材料研制 2022-12-13
出版物 冷轧FeCrAl合金退火过程中的再结晶及力学性能 Recrystallization and mechanical properties of cold-rolled FeCrAl alloy during annealing 先进核燃料元件设计研究及材料研制 2022-12-13
出版物 Deuterium permeability and diffusivity in FeCrAl alloys for LWR cladding application Deuterium permeability and diffusivity in FeCrAl alloys for LWR cladding application 先进核燃料元件设计研究及材料研制 2022-12-13
出版物 轧制对扩散粘结FeCrAl/Zy4复合板在组织、剪切和拉伸强度的影响 Effect of rolling on microstructure, shear and tensile strength of diffusion bonded FeCrAl/Zy4 clad plate 先进核燃料元件设计研究及材料研制 2022-12-13
出版物 Zr和W对FeCrAl合金热/温变形行为的影响:Laves相的晶界特征和动态析出 Understanding roles of Zr and W on hot/warm deformation behavior of FeCrAl alloy: Grain boundary features and dynamic precipitation of Laves phase 先进核燃料元件设计研究及材料研制 2022-12-13
出版物 Zr对FeCrAl合金中粗Laves相刺激再结晶形核的影响 Effect of Zr addition on coarse Laves phase stimulated nucleation of recrystallization in FeCrAl alloy 先进核燃料元件设计研究及材料研制 2022-12-13
出版物 FeCrAl合金位移级联的初级辐射损伤特征 Primary radiation damage characteristics in displacement cascades of FeCrAl alloys 先进核燃料元件设计研究及材料研制 2022-12-12
出版物 增材制造技术在核燃料组件制造中的应用与展望 Application And Prospect Of Additive Manufacturing Technology In Nuclear Fuel Assembly Fabrication 先进核燃料元件设计研究及材料研制 2022-10-28