出版物 |
具有退化执行器的闭环系统退化建模与预测框架 |
A Novel Degradation Modeling and Prognostic Framework for Closed-Loop Systems With Degrading Actuator |
工业机器人智能故障诊断及健康评估系统 |
2022-07-09 |
出版物 |
基于DBN和扩散过程的轴承退化预测模型 |
A Prognostic Model Based on DBN and Diffusion Process for Degrading Bearing |
工业机器人智能故障诊断及健康评估系统 |
2022-07-09 |
出版物 |
基于贝叶斯更新期望条件最大化算法和改进贝叶斯模型平均法的在线剩余使用寿命估计 |
Online remaining-useful-life estimation with a Bayesian-updated expectation-conditional-maximization algorithm and a modified Bayesian-model-averaging method |
工业机器人智能故障诊断及健康评估系统 |
2022-07-09 |
出版物 |
基于多状态物理模型的多裂纹结构疲劳可靠性评估 |
Dynamic Reliability Assessment of Multi-cracked Structure under Fatigue Loading via Multi-State Physics Model |
工业机器人智能故障诊断及健康评估系统 |
2022-07-08 |
出版物 |
欠奈奎斯特采样率下非均匀样本的周期带限信号重构 |
Reconstruction of Periodic Band Limited Signals from Non-Uniform Samples with Sub-Nyquist Sampling Rate |
工业机器人智能故障诊断及健康评估系统 |
2022-07-08 |
出版物 |
基于增强奇异值分解的轴承故障诊断方法 |
A Bearing Fault Diagnosis Method Based on Enhanced Singular Value Decomposition |
工业机器人智能故障诊断及健康评估系统 |
2022-07-08 |
出版物 |
基于伺服电机电流信号和优化fisher判别分析的行星齿轮减速器齿隙辨识 |
A planetary gear reducer backlash identification based on servo motor current signal and optimized fisher discriminant analysis |
工业机器人智能故障诊断及健康评估系统 |
2022-07-08 |
出版物 |
基于过零算法的机电系统故障诊断建模与优化 |
Modeling and Optimization for Fault Diagnosis of Electromechanical Systems Based on Zero Crossing Algorithm |
工业机器人智能故障诊断及健康评估系统 |
2022-07-08 |
出版物 |
一种多项式核诱导距离度量改进深度迁移学习的机械故障诊断 |
A Polynomial Kernel Induced Distance Metric to Improve Deep Transfer Learning for Fault Diagnosis of Machines |
工业机器人智能故障诊断及健康评估系统 |
2022-07-08 |
出版物 |
一种优化的VMD方法及其在轴承故障诊断中的应用 |
An optimized VMD method and its applications in bearing fault diagnosis |
工业机器人智能故障诊断及健康评估系统 |
2022-07-08 |